Nimbo and the Cloud City is a wholesome adventure game about helping your community, created for the Pirate Software Game Jam #15.

The themes were Shadows and Alchemy.

In the game you gather various ingredients to combine into a spell, which is how we incorporated the Alchemy theme.

For Shadows, we tried to be more clever with it. The whole story of the game is that you play as the chosen understudy, shadowing the Grand Master in hopes of learning their ways - and one day taking over from them. In the final act of the game, the player will need to copy/shadow the Grand Master correctly, to perform the spell.

Another way in which we incorporated the shadows theme, is in the form of self doubt. Throughout the game various NPCs will comment on the greatness of the Grand Master - which makes the player character doubt if they'll be able to take over from them and live up to the task. Can we come out from under their shadow?

Controls (Keyboard):

  • Moving: W/A/S/D or Arrow Keys
  • Interact: Spacebar or Enter
  • Inventory: TAB or I
  • Book/Questlog: ESC or B or Q
  • Flip page: A/D or Arrow Keys or Spacebar or Enter

Controls (Gamepad/Controller):

  • Moving: Left Stick
  • Interact: Face Button 1 ( A on Xbox, X on Playstation )
  • Inventory: Face Button 3 ( on Xbox, Triangle on Playstation )
  • Book/Questlog: START or Touchpad
  • Flip page: Face Button 1 ( on Xbox, X on Playstation )


  • Art & Animations by Dan Root
  • Programming by Jeremy Nanhu
  • Music by Daniël Nanhu

Additional Sound Effects, Licensed Royalty Free from PixaBay:

  • Bubble Sound
  • Footstep
  • Book Foley
  • Bell Sound

Free libraries used:

  • Input, Scribble, SnowState, TweenGMX


Game Design Document
Nimbo and the Cloud City - Desktop Version 8.8 MB


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Absolutely adorable! The sound design is really really nice, love the attention to details with the text style and speed, it really helps liven up the game and give personality to the dialogue.

The art is really cute and I love the portraits as well.

There is something that could improve the experience I think. It's really silly but walking all around the map no knowing how long it'll take can become a bit boring ; a mini-map or being able to jump would really help stimulate the player while they're on their journey, even if it has no use on its own, I think. Absolutely survives without and there's probably an ever better way to improve it than what I suggested.

Lovely work!

This game is absolutely goregous to look and and oooozing with style.

But man the second that dude told me to haul a box from the other side of the map to him I noped out of the game. That's just a level of tediousness I don't want to entertain.

The art is fantastic across the board especially the portraits they are SUPER high quality and really well designed. The map art is great too.

The audio is fine but the song seems to be on quite a short loop that I noticed. I really loved the little popping sounds for their voices it was super satisfying to hear.

Obviously I didn't get very far in the game because I really could not be bothered just pushing a random box across the map. I should have maybe been more patient but the gameplay just didn't grab my attention very much despite all the charm of the game and the world.

Cool game, way to go!